Number of Sections: 12
Number of Moves: 72
32 Tech Location:
16 Tech Location:
Accumulative Journal:
Long Form 1 was developed to teach a beginner how to defend while retreating, before following up with a strike. the moves in this form are simple. Checks to prevent retaliatory moves are not taught at this stage. This is done to eliminate confusion and not to cloud the mind of a beginner. The form again takes advantage of free space in addition to other facets of the environment which favor the practitioner.
There are three parts to Long Form 1. The first part of Long Form 1 builds upon what you learned in Short Form 1 and adds the majority of the new items taught in this form. The second part of Long Form 1 is the left side of Short Form 1 with the only difference being that you start out facing 6:00. The third part of Long Form 1 is a series of isolated moves that do not produce a logical working sequence but are to be studied for their individual value.
Long Form 1 Contains
- Moves that are defensive
- Moves that are offensive
- Basic Stances:
- Attention
- Horse
- Neutral Bow
- Forward Bow
- Cat
- Basic Blocks
- Inward
- Outward
- Upward
- Downward
- Additional Blocks
- Inside Downward Palm Down
- Inside Downward Palm Up
- Push Down
- Punches
- Straight Horizontal Thrust
- Uppercut
- Roundhouse
- Direction of punches from horse stance facing 12:00
- 12:00
- 1:30 & 10:30
- 3:00 & 9:00
- Strikes
- Rear Elbow Strike while blocking
- Rear Elbow Strike while punching
- Outward Diagonal Elbow
- Transitional Moves
- Cat Stance
- Cover
- Four Basic Angle Changes
- Two types of Cover
- While retreating
- While advancing
- Double Factoring: High and Low
Long Form 1 Teaches
- The elements that Short Form #1 teaches.
- How to block while advancing, same hand – same foot.
- How to block while stationary:
- opposite hand – opposite foot.
- same hand – same foot
- How to increase distance while covering
- How to decrease distance while covering
- How to block and counter, using different hands
- How to use opposing forces while punching.
- how to use body rotation for power, while punching.
- How to use the opposite arm as a hidden weapon.
- while blocking
- while punching
- transitional moves
- How to use transitional moves for power.
- Basic timing of hands and feet:
- Defensive moves
- Offensive moves
- Use of the Double Factor
- How to use transitional moves offensively.
- How to use transitional moves defensively.
- How to use upper and lower case movements.
- Proper angles when blocking off the rear hand.
- How to use transitional moves while retreating.
- How to use transitional moves while advancing.
- How to block multiple attacks from a single opponent.
- How to maintain constant head level while using transitional stances.
- How to block below the waist, using the hands.
- Angles, directions and methods of execution when punching.
- The importance of supporting and bracing a punch with your rear heel on the ground when pivoting from a neutral bow to a forward bow.
- That the head operates like a gyro on a ship’s compass.
- The concept of body fusion.
- The principle of contouring when punching.
Long Form 1 – Step By Step
Open with the Salutation & begin in a meditative horse stance
- Section 1 – Inward Blocks (5 moves)
- Step 1 (1)
- Slide your left foot back toward 6:00 to form a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00.
- Deliver a right hammering inward block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 2 (2)
- Pivot clockwise to form a right forward bow stance facing 12:00.
- Deliver a left thrusting horizontal punch”with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 3 (3)
- Slide your right foot toward 6:00 forming a right 45° cat stance (transitional) facing 12:00.
- Deliver a right thrusting inward block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 4 (4)
- Slide your right foot toward 6:00 to form a left neutral bow stance facing 12:00.
- Deliver a left thrusting inward block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 5 (5)
- Pivot counterclockwise to form a left forward bow stance facing 12:00.
- Deliver a right thrusting horizontal punch “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 1 (1)
- Section 2 – Outward Blocks (6 moves)
- Step 1 (6)
- Execute a left retreating side cover by moving your right foot toward 3:00 into a left (transitional) neutral bow stance facing 9:00
- Deliver a right minor hammering inward block.
- Step 2 (7)
- Settle into a left neutral bow stance facing 9:00,
- Deliver a left vertical outward block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 3 (8)
- Pivot counterclockwise to form a left forward bow stance facing 9:00.
- Deliver a right thrusting horizontal punch “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 4 (9)
- Slide your left foot toward 3:00 into a left 45° cat stance (transitional) facing 9:00
- Deliver a left minor hammering inward block.
- Step 5 (10)
- Continue moving your left foot toward 3:00 into a right neutral bow stance facing 9:00,
- Deliver a right vertical outward block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 6 (11)
- Pivot clockwise to form a right forward bow stance facing 9:00.
- Deliver a left thrusting horizontal punch ”with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 1 (6)
- Section 3 – Upward Blocks (6 moves)
- Step 1 (12)
- Execute a left retreating rear cover by moving your right foot toward 9:00into a left neutral bow stance (transitional) facing 3:00
- Deliver a left outward horizontal elbow strike toward 3:00.
- Step 2 (13)
- Settle into a left neutral bow stance facing 3:00,
- Deliver a left upward block.
- Step 3 (14)
- Pivot counter clockwise to form a left forward bow stance facing 3:00.
- Deliver a right thrusting horizontal punch “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 4 (15)
- Slide your left foot toward 9:00 to form a right 45° cat stance (transitional) facing 3:00,
- Deliver a left minor hammering inward block.
- Step 5 (16)
- Continue sliding your left foot toward 9:00 to form a right neutral bow stance facing 3:00.
- Deliver a right upward block ”with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 6 (17)
- s4. Pivot clockwise to form a right forward bow stance facing 3:00.
- s4. Deliver a left thrusting horizontal punch ”with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 1 (12)
- Section 4 – Downward Blocks (6 moves)
- Step 1 (18)
- Execute a right advancing side cover by moving your right foot toward 6:00into a right neutral bow stance (transitional) facing 6:00,
- Deliver a left minor inward downward palm up block.
- Step 2 (19)
- Settle into a right neutral bow stance facing 6:00,
- Deliver a right outward downward block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 3 (20)
- Pivot clockwise to form a right forward bow stance facing 6:00.
- Deliver a left thrusting horizontal punch “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 4 (21)
- Slide your right foot toward 12:00 to form a left 45° cat stance (transitional) facing facing 6:00,
- Deliver a right minor inward downward palm up block.
- Step 5 (22)
- Continue sliding your right foot toward 12:00 to form a left neutral bow stance facing 6:00,
- Deliver a left outward downward block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 6 (23)
- Pivot counterclockwise to form a left forward bow stance facing 6:00.
- Deliver a right thrusting horizontal punch “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 1 (18)
- Section 5 – Triple Inward Blocks (6 moves)
- Step 1 (24)
- Pivot clockwise to form a left neutral bow stance facing 6:00.
- Deliver a left inward block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 2 (25)
- Deliver a right inward block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 3 (26)
- Deliver a left inward block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 4 (27)
- Slide your left foot toward 12:00 to form a right neutral bow stance facing 6:00.
- Deliver a right inward block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 5 (28)
- Deliver a left inward block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 6 (29)
- Deliver a right inward block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 1 (24)
- Section 6 – Triple Outward Blocks (8 moves)
- Step 1 (30)
- Execute a right retreating side cover by moving your left foot toward 3:00into a right neutral bow stance (transitional) facing 9:00.
- Deliver a left minor hammering inward block.
- Right arm cocks horizontally across your body, palm down.
- Step 2 (31)
- Setting into a right neutral bow stance facing 9:00,
- Deliver a right vertical outward block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 3 (32)
- Deliver a left vertical outward block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 4 (33)
- Deliver a right vertical outward block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 5 (34)
- Slide your right foot back toward 3:00 to form a left 45° cat stance (transitional) facing 9:00.
- Deliver a right minor hammering inward block.
- Step 6 (35)
- Continue sliding your right foot back toward 3:00 into a left neutral bow stance facing 9:00,
- Deliver a left vertical outward block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 7 (36)
- Deliver a right vertical outward block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 8 (37)
- Deliver a left vertical outward block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 1 (30)
- Section 7 – Triple Upward Blocks (8 moves)
- Step 1 (38)
- Execute a right retreating rear cover by moving your left foot toward 9:00 into a right neutral bow stance (transitional) facing 3:00.
- Deliver a left minor hammering inward block.
- Step 2 (39)
- Settle into a right neutral bow stance facing 3:00,
- Deliver a right upward block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 3 (40)
- Deliver a left upward block “with” a right rear elbow strike
- Step 4 (41)
- Deliver a right upward block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 5 (42)
- Slide your right foot back toward 9:00 to form a left 45° cat stance (transitional) facing 3:00.
- Deliver a right hammering inward block.
- Step 6 (43)
- Continue sliding your right foot back toward 9:00 to form a left neutral bow stance facing 3:00,
- Deliver a left upward block “with” a right rear elbow strike as you settle into your stance.
- Step 7 (44)
- Deliver a right upward block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 8 (45)
- Deliver a left upward block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 1 (38)
- Section 8 – Triple Downward Blocks (8 moves)
- Step 1 (46)
- Execute a left retreating side cover by moving your right foot toward 6:00 to form a left neutral bow stance (transitional) facing 12:00.
- Deliver a right minor inward downward palm up block.
- Step 2 (47)
- Settle into a left neutral bow stance facing 12:00
- Deliver a left outward downward block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 3 (48)
- Deliver a right outward downward block “with” a left rear elbow strike
- Step 4 (49)
- Deliver a left outward downward block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 5 (50)
- Slide your left foot back toward 6:00 to form a right 45° cat stance (transitional) facing 12:00,
- Deliver a left minor inward downward palm up block.
- Step 6 (51)
- Continue sliding your left foot back toward 6:00 to form a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00,
- Deliver a right outward downward block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 7 (52)
- Deliver a left outward downward block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 8 (53)
- Deliver a right outward downward block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 1 (46)
- Section 9—Inward Downward Palm Down Blocks (3 moves)
- Step 1 (54)
- Slide your left foot up toward 9:00 to form a horse stance facing 12:00.
- Deliver a left inward downward palm down block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 2 (55)
- Deliver a right inward downward palm down block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 3 (56)
- Deliver a left inward downward palm down block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 1 (54)
- Section 10 – Inward Downward Palm Up Blocks (3 moves)
- Step 1 (57)
- Deliver a right inward downward palm up block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 2 (58)
- Deliver a left inward downward palm up block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 3 (59)
- Deliver a right inward downward palm up block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 1 (57)
- Section 11 – Push Down Blocks (3 moves)
- Step 1 (60)
- Deliver a left push-down block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 2 (61)
- Deliver a right push-down block “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 3 (62)
- Deliver a left push-down block “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 1 (60)
- Section 12 – Punches (8 moves)
- Step 1 (63)
- Deliver a right thrusting horizontal punch toward 12:00 “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 2 (64)
- Deliver a left thrusting horizontal punch toward 12:00 “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 3 (65)
- Deliver a right thrusting horizontal punch toward 10:30 “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 4 (66)
- Deliver a left thrusting horizontal punch toward 1:30 “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 5 (67)
- Deliver a right roundhouse punch toward 9:00 “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 6 (68)
- Deliver a left roundhouse punch toward 3:00 “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 7 (69)
- Deliver a right uppercut punch toward 12:00 “with” a left rear elbow strike.
- Step 8 (70)
- Deliver a left uppercut punch toward 12:00 “with” a right rear elbow strike.
- Step 1 (63)
- Section 12 – Closing (2 moves)
- Meditation (71)
- Open your left hand,
- Bring your right fist to meet your left hand
- Closing Salutation (72)
- Close your meditative horse stance and execute the closing salutation.
- Meditation (71)
- Apply the appropriate ideas from the Notes found in Short Form #1
- Practice the form with your eyes closed to gain a better “FEEL” for your stances.
- Perfect the frist two inward block-punch sequences for they contain the basic coordination levels of the form.
- Know when to utilize your hammering inward and your thrusting inward blocks. Study why there is a difference.
- Be sure to keep the heel of your back foot on the ground when pivoting into a forward bow. It adds to the push in support of your bracing angle, and stabilizes your stance (base).
- Economize on the time expended by not raising your back heel when executing a step through reverse.
- What practical application can you affix to the left outward elbow that you use just prior to converting it into your first (left) upward block?
- When analyzing Long Form #1 please note that the second part of the “Form” is actually the left side of Short Form #1. The only change is the face that you are facing 6:00 while utilizing a series of 3 blocks instead of one.
- Be sure to have your rear blocking arm cover your entire body when employing your series of 3 blocks during the second part of the form.
- What reason(s) would you attach to the blocks and punches that stem out of your horse stance at the end of Long Form #1?
- Be sure to use the double factor when blocking. (However when you are executing the inside downward palm down, inside downward palm up, and push down blocks, the double factor concept is not in the form.
- The value of the transition from neutral bow into a forward bow can be paralleled to having your foot placed on the wall, then using the foot to help you lunge forward with your punch. As stated above, it adds to the push in support of your bracing angle.
- Familiarize yourself with body fusion and how it can effectively work for you.
- Practice your punches and gain power through the use of contouring both in forward and reverse motion.
- Many, if not most, schools only teach the first part of this form. The shortened version would consist of 5 sections with 25 moves including the Salutation & Close. The final section with the last two moves would be;
- Section 5 – Salutation & Close (2 moves)
- Meditation (19)
- Slide your right foot toward 12:00 to form a horse stance.
- Cover your right clenched fist with your left open hand.
- Closing Salutation (20)
- Close your meditative horse stance & salute.
- Meditation (19)
- Section 5 – Salutation & Close (2 moves)
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